Y1 Friday 26th March 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 26t March 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

What a great week we have had in Year 1!

In English we have written instructions for ‘How to make friends with a bird’ using imperative verbs and including detail to help make the instructions easy to follow.

In Maths we have compared heights and lengths then used non-standard units of measure to predict and measure objects in the classroom. We have looked at rulers and how to measure in centimetres too.

In Art and DT, we have designed and begun to make recycles bird houses.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Reading with Ms Cummins.

√ Sorting out words with the ‘er’ and ‘a’ grapheme.

√ Practising forming the ‘r’ letter.

√ Writing instructions for ‘How to make friends with a bird’ using knowledge we learnt about British birds last week.

√ PE with Premier Sport.

√Singing and clapping to the beat in Music.

√ Learning about the significance of Good Friday in RE.

√ Comparing the length of objects and our heights in Maths.

√ Designing very interesting bird houses.

√ Cutting out designs and painting our bird houses.

√ Enjoying listening to the story of Charlie and the chocolate factory.

√ Learning to repeat and say names of fruit in French

Family discussion questions:

  • List some imperative verbs. How do you know what an imperative verb is?
  • What language can you use to describe height? What language can you use to describe length?
  • Can you identify imperative verbs in instructions you follow in a game or a recipe to make food?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be consolidating our learning in Maths, reading, Phonics and Science.

In ART and DT, we will continue make a bird houses from recycled materials before evaluating what went well and what we would improve next time.


  • Spelling and handwriting homework will be sent home today and due back in Friday after Easter. Handwriting is based on the letter we have practised in school and the spellings are based on what sounds we have looked at in school and may include High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 5 or 7 spellings home and the children will be tested informally on a Friday morning. This is nothing to worry about and gives children experience of homework before Year 2 and helps with their Year 1 handwriting and spelling expectations. HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY 23rd April after Easter.


  • Our 14 day Reading Challenge begun on Friday 19th March. If you could please bring books in on WEDNESDAY 31st MARCH so they can be changed overnight and given back on Thursday.


If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins