Y1 Friday 8th July 2022

Y1 Friday 8th July 2022– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

We were lucky enough to take part in a Music Workshop with Mrs Hext. We played percussion instruments to the beat of the music. We played the ukulele, a chime bar and a single drum- thinking about the pitch as we did so. Mrs Hext was very impressed- we loved it!

What a wonderful effort from all the children on Sports Day- we are so proud of them all!

In English, we have read and performed poems from other cultures.

In Maths, we have ordered events, looked at days, months and dates and time to the hour and half an hour.

In Geography, we have consolidated our learning by taking part in a quiz.

In Science, we have written a fact file about the structure and diets of sea shore animals.

In D&T and Art, we have printed African patterns and learnt how to weave before making a woven fish.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Performing our poems from other cultures.

√ Ordering events using time related language (before, after, morning, afternoon, evening, first, then and now).

√ Understanding the order of days and months of the year.

√ Telling the time to the hour and half an hour.

√ Playing the chime bar, drum and ukulele in Music.

√ Printing in D&T and Art.

√ Writing facts about the characteristics of sea shore animals.

√ Taking part in Sports Day.

√ Weaving using ribbons before making a woven fish out of paper in Art.

√ Learning about prayer mats in RE.

Family discussion questions:

  • Why does a dolphin have a layer of fat?
  • If the big hand is on 12 and the little hand is on 6- what time is it?
  • How do you write a capital a, h and m?

Looking forward:

Next week, we will be consolidating our learning across all subjects.

We will be doing transition sessions across the Infants and taking part in a walk to The Bongs with Reception as part of this.



  • Our 14 day Reading Challenge has started again, so please write each time your child reads so they can earn 10 house points for their 14 consecutive reads. I will change books overnight on a Thursday


  • I have sent home spellings, reading comprehension and Maths homework on time. Please complete this in pencil. This is the last piece of homework in Year 1- I will send a list of websites next week, in case you want to look at them over the holiday.


  • The Bongs walk Monday 11th July am- all details as per walk last week.


  • Forest School Day Thursday 21st July- please wear appropriate clothes and shoes for a day outside (we may get dirty)



  • PE this half term is Friday- please wear PE kits on this day.


Please vote for our shed in the Shed of the Year Competition- here is the article.

Please vote here- https://www.readersheds.co.uk/?type=Unexpected/Unique

If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins