Y1 Thursday 19th October 2023

Y1 Thursday 19th October 2023– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

What a fantastic first half term in Year 1.

We have enjoyed consolidating this half terms work through completing quizzes.

We are so proud of our exhibition work- we hope you love it as much as we do!

As part of exhibition, we enjoyed a wonderful experience with ‘The bug man’ and roleplay about how to call an ambulance in an emergency.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Continuing to use our chopping arms to read and write words using phoneme from Phase 3.

√ Comparing numbers using the language of greatest to smallest.

√ Showing all of our learning of place value in Maths.

√ Learning about and touching many animals with ‘The Bug Man’.

√ Enjoying a role play session related to emergencies.

√ Seeing all of our work in exhibition.

√ Singing and dancing as part of the exhibition.

Family discussion questions:

  • Order the numbers smallest to biggest- 8, 6, 2, 10
  • Which was the favourite animal you saw with ‘The Bug Man’?
  • Which part of the exhibition is your favourite?

Looking forward:

Next half term we will be looking at traditional tales and writing the story of Rapunzel. In Maths we will begin our addition and subtraction unit.

In Science we will look at celebrations and in Geography we will look at where we live and where we have been thinking about human and physical features.


Book change on Thursday- please ensure books are in school so these can be changed overnight.

Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge.

Just to clarify- Reading challenges are counted up every Thursday during book change and then awarded on Friday (backdated if awarded before that). We celebrate this achievement as a class all together.


Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th December 9:30am in the Village Hall.



Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Carew