Y5 10.1.20 Looking Back and Forth

Friday 10th January 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 5

Looking back: 

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Many thanks again for my cards and gifts.

This week we have started our two new topics in history and geography – ‘World War II’ and ‘Water’. The children have looked at their new knowledge organisers (also available on the class page) and discussed some of the vocabulary they will be learning during the two topics.

On Wednesday, Mrs Flint’s son, Matthew, presented a fantastic assembly to the children about his visit to our twin school in South Africa, ElizabethFontein.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • We are really looking forward to the World War II topic.
  • We liked learning about mixed number and improper fractions because we haven’t done this before.

Family discussion questions:

  • Ask the children to see if they remember any of the ‘top-ten facts’ about Ancient Greece from our topic last term.
  • Ask the children to tell you what they learned about ElizabethFontein from Matthew Flint’s presentation.

Looking forward:

Next week, the children will be continuing to work on fractions in their maths lessons.

In our written work, we will be looking at the book, ‘Billy the Kid’ by Michael Morpurgo. We will be having a go at writing in Michael Morpurgo’s style.

The children will be studying the journey of a river and creating a collage to show what they have learned.

The children are now signed up to the Accelerated Reader programme. Information coming home soon.

Don’t forget, the children also have access to Times-tables Rockstars and can be practising their times-tables at home if they are able to get on-line.

Wider Opportunities:

Children are currently learning ‘Michael Oliver’