Y5 Weekly Update 26.1.24

Friday 26th January 2024 – Y5 Weekly Update

Looking back: 

Year 5s have worked very hard this week. The children had another great ‘Databases’ session with Mrs Cooper, learning all about ways to record and search for information. In English, the children had a go at writing an atmospheric setting description of Baskerville Hall. In maths, the children have done really well with strategies for division and they are working very conscientiously in maths lessons. In science, we conducted an interesting investigation about thermal insulation, testing different materials and their insulating properties.

Year 5 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • The e-safety lesson on media choices was useful and interesting.
  • It was interesting learning about thermal insulation and conduction.

Family discussion questions:

  • Ask the children what they have learned about databases.
  • Can the children remember how to divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit?

Looking forward:

Next week, the children will be writing their own narrative with a cliffhanger, based on ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’. In Maths, we are moving on to quite a long unit of work on fractions. In history, the children will be learning about evacuation and what life was like for children being evacuated, and those back at home. Our science work will look at reversible and irreversible changes.

Have a great weekend!