Year 4 Looking Back and Forth Friday 10th February

Friday 10rd February– Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

This week, the children have begun to research the Arctic fox, and learn lots and lots of facts about these hardy creatures.  It links superbly to the White Fox book by Jackie Morris, we have studied in reading.  We have looked at factors, multiplication and division by 10 and 100.   The children have hunted for Anglo-Saxon treasures and had a bonkers afternoon on the playground using string telephones!

Questions to ask at home

  • What do you notice, when you multiply/divide by 10?
  • What do you notice, when you multiply/divide by 100?
  • What can you tell me about Arctic foxes (prepare to be amazed – warning you may need a good 5 mins for this)?
  • What is a string telephone?
  • What was found a Sutton Hoo?

Children’s highlights of the week

  • TTrockstars time
  • Basketball with Mr Biggs
  • Making string telephones!
  • Looking at the Sutton Hoo treasures
  • Arithmetic with Mrs Riddell

Looking forward:

The children, are going to continue to research the Arctic fox and then create a double page spread about them.  The class will look at multiplying 1 digit by 2 digits, using the formal methods.  The children will learn about the treasures at Sutton Hoo and make their own Anglo-Saxon brooches from clay.  They will also study Yom Kippur in the Jewish faith.

Homework in Year 4

Maths–   pinky sheet

English – fronted adverbials and SPAG mat (which should had helpful notes to support the children)

Reading – daily at least 15 mins – remember to take the Accelerated Reader Quizzes

Rockstars – as much as possible 10 mins daily is ideal – at least once a week for 20 mins

Spellings  – Mrs Riddell – Please learn them for the test on Wednesday.  It is better to look at them for 5 minutes each day than try to learn them all in one night.  The children remember them better learnt over the week.

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

Timestables – for Thursday - the children will be getting new timestables this week  - (these were given out on Friday with how many columns the children need to learn.)

(This can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the basket is)

 Letters and Reminders

  • Please could you hand in the Delamere medical form as soon as possible please.
  • Please check the newsletter for up-and-coming events and dates for your diaries.

Reminders for this week – Please check the weekly Newsletter for more detail

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 housepoints

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records.