Year 4 we 26th May

Despite the terriible events at the beginning of the week, we have still managed to have a really positive time.

We've had three sessions of PE - cricket with Mr Capewell, cheerleading with Premier Sports and an extra session this morning practising for Sports Day.  I was really pleased with the class photos - from what I saw, they should be lovely!  We also had a super morning on Wednesday when Mr and Mrs Hext and members of the Halle orchestra treated us to a truly wonderful performance of some of their favourite pieces.  Our children really are very lucky to have access to such a myriad of experiences in such a beautiful setting.  We took advantage of the glorious weather to continue our study of animals and their habitats on the field although we didn't manage to spot too many birds - I blamed the weather because the children managed to be quite quiet.  We have undertaken several assessments this week and the children have seen most of their results - they've generally done very well.  Our end of year assessments will take place half way through our final half term.

So many exciting things to look forward to - our visitors from Elizabethfontein will be here very soon and we also have Goostrey's Got Talent (hopefully the South African will be entertaining us while the judges pontificate on the merits of the performers to choose the winners)  Then there's Sports Day, June evening, another film night and many other events too numerous to mention.  We'll  all be ready for a long rest by the time we get to the summer hols!

Have a great week off - see you all in June!

Mrs Cooper