Year 4 we 7th October

I'm sitting surveying my classroom and reflecting on everything we've done this week - it would take me an hour or two to write it all down!

Our Exhibition work is well on the way - I hope - we're creating lots of different things for you to see.  We've all worked really hard on a variety of maths topics and if you need to know how to mummify something, please just ask your children - they wrote some very clear instructions as to how to do this but I did point out that it's probably not a good idea to try it at home... We've also been looking at ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.

Next week we will continue with our work for the Exhibition as time is now getting short. The class will be performing a special poem that they have written with Mrs Benson at 4:45 on Thursday 27th October and then the year 4 band will be playing for you at 5:15 - everyone is welcome to come and watch these performances. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy next week too!

Mrs Cooper