Year 4

We've had a 'normal' week this week but it was sad to say goodbye to our friends from South Africa.  The children have done some lovely writing based on a book from a different culture and we've also enjoyed learning about area and perimeter in maths. I am really pleased with how our chairs have turned out - they are on display in the classroom if you want to come and take a look although they will be coming home at the end of the year which is all too soon. Very many thanks to all the parents/grandparents who came in to help - the children needed lots of support with sawing and gluing to make sure they did these activities safely and the results were super.

Next week we will be completing our stories and looking at measures in maths.  Hopefully the weather will have improved and we will be able to get outside for PE. Mr Capewell will be in again on Monday afternoon for some more cricket which is always good fun so please make sure that PE kits are in school.

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Cooper