Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 28th April 2017

Year 6 Week-in-Review Friday 28th April 2017

This week has been busy with lots of activities continuing alongside our revision for SATs. This week, the pupils have enjoyed lots of energetic time, chasing around after their buddies; practising for the upcoming assessments; working on our Titanic project; and enjoying time with Mr. Hext working on…………………….well, that would be telling.

We know that this is a very busy time for our pupils and we hope that they are preparing for their various upcoming tasks well. Whilst there is an immediate focus on SATs for the current weeks, we are very keen to remind our pupils that this is only one element of their time in year 6 and we continue to remind them of all the upcoming activities which are still to come, including:

spending time with our twin-school visitors;

completing our exciting writing;

end-of-year production;

June Evening;

performing our Buddy Music project;

making our hats;

transition activities to High School;


and so much more…..

Kind regards

The Year 6 Team

Notes for next week:

Tuesday 2nd May: Miss Atkins’ maths homework due in today

Friday 5th May: Mrs. Timmins’ CGP punctuation revision homework due in today.