Year 6 - Week in review - Friday 8th September 2017

Year 6 Week-in-Review: Friday 8th September 2017

Welcome back to our Year 6 pupils and families. We are now three days into our Autumn Term and we’ve been busy doing lots of different bits & pieces.

So far, we have looked at our outdoor classroom and discussed the dedication and philosophy behind this; there are some words of inspiration which we’re working on with some very intricate doodlings; there have been some assessments that we’ve just taken in our stride, and we’ve been given lots of new bits & bobs to use.

The class has settled in very well and we have already dipped our toe into the water of the exhibition (pardon the pun)! There are a few photos under the “display work items” and we’ll update these pages each Friday so don’t forget to check out what Year 6 have been up to.

Questions to ask your son/daughter this week include:

Tell me what you’ve learned about an octopus.

Potatoes were introduced to this country by whom and when?

How many hearts does an octopus have?

What was Mrs. Benson teaching on Thursday?

Letters issued today (4):

1)Becoming a parent governor

2)Helen O’Grady drama flyer

3)”Primary Times” Magazine

4)”Families” magazine

Kind regards

The Year 6 Team


Notes for next week:

Tuesday 12th September: Premier Sports (pm)

Friday 15th September: Homework diaries in for signing and house points