Year 6: News items
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 12th May 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 12.5.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Newsletter 5.5.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 28th April 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 28.4.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 21st April 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 21.4.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Advance notice of road closure - Station Road from 10.5.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Newsletter 31.3.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Footpath between Infants and Juniors sites, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 24th March 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 24.3.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 17th March 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 17.3.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 10th March 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 10.3.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Ofsted Geography Research Visit Information, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 3rd March 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 3.3.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Newsletter 17.2.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Newsletter 10.2.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 20th January 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 20.1.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis
Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 13th January 2023, by Mrs Timmins
Newsletter 13.1.2023, by Mrs Schurer-Lewis